Sunday, February 5, 2012

Another Crucial Win in Another Swing State

Last night's victory in Nevada represents another crucial win in another crucial state.  Mitt Romney won nearly 50% of the vote.  An impressive win to say the least.

AP Photo/Getty Images

Many critics are trying to discredit the win saying that it was predictable in a state where Mitt Romney won in 2008 and also a state with a Republican Electorate that is 25% Mormon.   What these critics don't acknowledge is that Mitt Romney won the Nevada caucuses convincingly in nearly every demographic.  He won nearly every age, income group and minority group.  Furthermore, he won with Tea Party Supporters and Evangelicals.  Much to Newt Gingrich's dismay, Romney convincingly won the support of moderate and conservative Republicans.


The energy during Mitt Romney's acceptance speech was remarkable.

He graciously and confidently thanked the crowd for their support and reminded America what the fight for the White House is truly about.  He reminded America of the failed policies of President Obama.

He said, "Four years ago, candidate Obama came to Nevada promising to help.  Today Nevada unemployment is over 12%, home values have plummeted, and Nevada's foreclosure rate is the highest in the nation.  I've walked in Nevada neighborhoods, blighted by abandoned homes, where people wonder why Barack Obama failed them.  Well Mr. President, Nevada has had enough of your kind of help."

Romney said, "Three years ago, newly elected President Obama told America that if Congress approved his plan to borrow nearly $1 trillion dollars, he would hold unemployment below 8%."

Romney pointed out that the national unemployment hasn't dropped below 8% in three years.    He went on to say,  "This week, he's been trying to take a bow for 8.3% unemployment.  Not so fast, Mr. President.  This is the 36th month with unemployment above the red line that your own administration drew.  

"Mr. President, America has also had enough of your kind of help."

AP Photo/Getty Images

Thank you Mitt Romney for demonstrating that this election is not about replacing a president, it is about restoring America to a greatness.  Restoring America to prosperity.  Restoring America to substantive and lasting growth.

Thank you for reminding us that for three years we have been on a path that is not working.  For three years, we have tried to borrow our way out of challenging economic times and it has not worked.  Americans are still hurting.

Thank you for reminding America that we deserve more--for showing us there is a better way to emerge out of the worst economic times since the Great Depression.

Thank you Nevada for recognizing that Mitt Romney is the right leader to help us.

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