Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's Time to Vet Rick Santorum.

Four new polls show Rick Santorum in a statistical tie with Mitt Romney.

This coveted spot as the GOP front-runner has been filled many times--five times to be exact.  Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich (twice) have all had a turn, but it hasn't been a comfortable and cozy spot.  Each rose to the top and quickly fell--to the bottom--out-of-sight--and for most, out of the race.

The latest choice is Rick Santorum.  One can't help but ask, is it just his turn?  Is this "Not Mitt" strong enough to last?

(Is this process of elimination really the way to choose our leaders?)

Does Rick Santorum have what it takes to be the true contender against Barrack Obama?  Do conservatives even know anything about him other than he "isn't Mitt?"  Dan Palz of the Washington Post asks the same question. (read article).

It is time to vet Mr. Santorum. Time to answer tough questions.  Time to defend his record.  Conservatives have relentlessly forced Mitt to prove that he is conservative enough.  It is time to ask the same of Rick Santorum.

His record:

Conservatives are fearful that Mitt isn't a true conservative.  Rick Santorum should be asked to explain the following moderate stances he took as a legislator:

1) Acquiring $1 billion worth of earmarks funding for his state.  Is that fiscally conservative?

2) He voted 5 times to raise the debt ceiling.  Is that fiscally conservative?

3)  He was one of 14 Republican senators to vote against the right-to-work legislation which bars unions from requiring workers to join the union.  Most conservatives see the legislation as pro-work, pro-growth.  Why was he against it?

4) Santorum was one of 14 Republican senators to vote against repealing the Davis-Bacon Act.  This act ensures that contractors bidding on public work projects cannot lower wages in order to achieve a lower bid.  Most Republicans argue on federal projects, this contributes to billions added to the budget.  Santorum was against it.  Why?

5) Santorum supported a federal law which prohibits a business from hiring permanent replacements for workers that are on strike.  Most conservatives argue this law hurts businesses and employers.  Santorum supported it.  Is he really pro-business and free enterprise?

The Washington Post ran an article on his controversial stances on labor issues.  (Click here Washington Post article).


Recent controversies:

1) Last week, Santorum told CNN that having women on the front lines in combat could lead to a "compromising situation where people may do things that may not be in the interest of the mission because of other types of emotions that are involved."

2) In 2006, he was interviewed here where he said that he is opposed to birth control because it is harmful to women and harmful to society because it enables sex outside of marriage.

Hmmm.  How will that stand up in the general election?

It is time to vet Mr. Santorum.  His record needs to be scrutinized and defended.


I am NOT convinced that Santorum is fiscally conservative.  I am NOT convinced that he will energize the base or attract moderates and independents.  I am NOT convinced that he will have a clue how to create jobs, balance the budget, govern a divided legislature or lead this country back to a path of prosperity.

He has no experience accomplishing anything close to this type of challenge.  I am NOT convinced that he is ready.

So far, Mitt Romney is the only constant in the GOP race.  Why? His record is remarkable.  His experience is unique.  His leadership is unmatched.  His successes are unparalleled.

Mitt Romney is the right leader who has emerged at the right time.  It is time to rally behind Mitt.

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