Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Unity vs. Purity

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin addressed the audience at Saturday’s Conservative Political Activist Conference.  She warned Governor Mitt Romney that he should to do a better job of explaining his record to conservatives in the party or he risks losing their support in November.  She argued that without base support, he risks lower voter turnout.

She advocates a drawn-out primary season so that the candidate can be thoroughly vetted and ready to face Obama in November.   She said, "In America, we believe that competition strengthens us...but let's make sure that competition brings out the best in our party."  She went on to say that negative attacks between the candidates are hurtful to the party as a whole.

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Great.  Nice job Sarah.  So, we need a much longer fight than usual and somehow the candidates should stay nice to each other.  Really?  How is that possible?

How can a drawn-out and lengthy fight between the candidates unite our party?

A drawn out fight deepens the loyalty that supporters feel towards their candidate.  Therefore, making it difficult to overcome apathy and discouragement if their candidate is not chosen--making it difficult for a divided base to rally behind an individual who for months they have believed and argued is the wrong choice.


I don't think I have ever quoted Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, but regarding this drawn-out vetting process, I think he is right on.  He was quoted yesterday in a Wall Street Journal article arguing the importance of party unity.

Barbour addressed an audience at the Faith and Freedom Conference.  He warned against divisiveness within the GOP.  He said that what appears to be happening now is that conservatives are looking for the purist candidate.  Barbour argued, "Looking for the purist candidate is the wrong approach.  The main thing is about winning."(click to read WSJ Article).

The most powerful thing Barbour said, "In politics, purity is the enemy of victory."  I totally agree.

With all that is going in the GOP's favor to beat President Obama, namely a plummeting economy, low approval ratings, skyrocketing debt levels, and stagnant employment--the quest to find the purist conservative candidate is dividing our party and hurting our chances of replacing President Obama.


The latest PEW poll demonstrates that Mitt Romney is losing support of independents--voters who are critical for a GOP victory in November.   What Sarah Palin and others need to recognize is that these independents are not switching allegiance to Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich, they are abandoning the GOP candidate Mitt Romney for Barrack Obama.

This time around, a drawn-out process is hurting our party.   It is damaging best candidate.  It is not making our party stronger.  This fight is hurting our cause.


So, to Sarah Palin and others that are looking for "purity," I would challenge them to listen to this counsel from Governor Barbour.   If our goal is to win and find the best candidate who is ready to lead our country--starting day one of his presidency--then I would invite Sarah Palin to extend a "warning" to Rick Santorum as well.

Please warn Rick Santorum that he needs to do a better job convincing the base that he is actually ready to lead.  I am not convinced.  If he can't convince us, then he too, risks voter turnout this fall.  

AP Photo

Sarah Palin is wrong to overlook Mitt Romney.  She and others within the party are resisting him, yet his experience and leadership are exactly what this country needs to get back on the path of conservative principles and prosperity.  Most importantly, he is the only candidate ready to do it.

In the quest to find purity, the party is overlooking quality.

Unity is our best weapon to defeat Obama.  It is time to unite behind the most prepared and able conservative candidate.  That candidate is Mitt Romney.

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