Monday, February 20, 2012

When Silence Speaks a Thousand Words...Again

Rick Santorum's surge continues.  In national polls, he now holds an 8-point lead over Mitt Romney.  In Michigan, Santorum remains 5 points ahead of Romney.

Despite his surge and ability to hold onto it for nearly 14 days, one thing is worth mentioning--Santorum's colleagues from DC remain silent about his candidacy.  Where are the endorsements from those who know him best?

AP Photo

Rick Santorum served in the senate for 12 years.  Before that, he served 4 years in the House of Representatives.  Rick Santorum spent a total of 16 years in Washington DC yet, it is noteworthy that only three sitting representatives have endorsed his presidential bid.  Furthermore, NOT ONE sitting senator has thrown their support behind him.  NOT ONE.

What does this say about Rick Santorum?

As I mentioned here in regards to Newt Gingrich...silence speaks a thousand words.  It speaks volumes if those who served with Santorum--those who worked with him in the trenches--those who sat shoulder-to-shoulder with him--those who know how he leads--those who watched him in action--are silent.

CNN Photo
An overwhelming number of Santorum's colleagues don't believe that he has the right skills to lead our country.  They don't think he is ready.

Last week, Dana Bash of CNN wrote a fascinating article about this interesting phenomenon.  (click for full CNN article).  She asks, "Where is the support for Santorum?"

In her article, many of Santorum's former colleagues were asked about his candidacy.  Despite his surge in the polls, none of the colleagues Bash interviewed were ready to endorse him.  But two comments were consistent with nearly every one of their responses:  1) Santorum is a nice guy  2) Santorum cannot win a general election.

Silence.  It speaks a thousand words.


Interesting fact?  Mitt Romney has 77 representatives actively endorsing his candidacy.  He also has endorsements from 12 sitting senators.   89 individuals who have never served a day with Mitt Romney recognize that his talent is rare and his leadership is invaluable.

These 89 individuals are people who personally know Rick Santorum.  Individuals who are his friends.  Individuals who know what kind of person it will take to lead our party.  Individuals who understand what kind of leadership is required to lead a country.

Time and again, the colleagues of Rick Santorum believe Mitt Romney is that leader.  (It is worth mentioning that Rick Santorum also recognized it when back in 2008, he endorsed Mitt Romney's candidacy).

Getty Images

When asked why these 89 individuals are supporting Mitt Romney, the answer to this question has also been remarkably consistent: 1) Mitt Romney's experience is unparalleled.  2) Mitt Romney can win the general election.

This too, speaks a thousand words.

Mitt Romney is a remarkable candidate.  His experience and skill set are unmatched.  He is the right leader who has emerged at the right time.

This election has to be about more than personalities--more than rewarding a candidate for being a "nice guy."  It is about finding a leader with the right skills.  It is about finding a leader with the right experience.  It is about finding a leader who has a proven track record of an ability to dissect problems and identify lasting solutions.  It is about finding a leader with an innate ability to lead.

Without reservation, I believe that Mitt Romney is that candidate.


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